Wine tourism2019-10-24T16:54:43+00:00

Wine at Agrolavia

Agrolavia shares pleasant experiences at nature, through wine, gastronomy & culture in a relaxing atmosphere. We share the experiences of our fulfilling simple life.

Meet the identity and character of an unknown small wine region, taste authentic wines where high altitude microclimate, terroir, great care and passion are present at every sip.

Rutas del Vino de España


Agrolavia is placed between the picturesque valleys “Aceniche” and “Venta del Pino”, spots of stunning beauty where to walk through the oldest vineyards in the region, breathe the fresh evergreen, get to know wine growers, taste & celebrate life!

Walks and tastings at the wineries

A unique landscape for unique products. The best wine presentation of wine is to show its origin. We organize walks and tastings at the wineries in the heart of the “Sierras de Burete, Cambrón and Lavia”.

You will live first-hand the process of winemaking and elaboration, learning from detailed and enjoyable explanations in the familiar atmosphere of the wine growers, to finally taste local products of the valleys: wine, olive oil, honey, dried fruits (Km0 & organic).

Wineries: Bodega Monastrell, Bodega Balcona, Bodega Lavia, Bodega Hydria.

Tasting course

Tasting is a unique sensory experience, that’s why we offer private and personalized tastings.

A short & entertaining tasting course with a wide selection of D.O.P. Bullas and signature wines, where a professional sommelier will recommend best pairings & combinations 1.

In addition, in the “Agrolavia cellar”, will be at your disposal to enjoy, at any time, the best liquid jewels of this homeland.

1Activities given by a professional sommelier. English spoken.

Wine Museum

Our land is rooted in wine tradition for millenniums. Discover the cultural heritage of a region where Iberians, Romans, Visigoths & Arabs left a high value legacy, nowadays accessible at the different sites of the Murcian Northwest: Bullas, Mula, Cehegín & Caravaca de la Cruz.

The Wine Museum, located in an old 19th century winery and starting point of the wine route The Roman Villa “Los Cantos”, of unequaled archaeological value and linked to wine production from the 1st century BC.C. The House-Museum Don Pepe Marsilla, a 19th century manor house, where an interactive guided tour through restored rooms & underground cellar will take you into a journey back in time.

Wine tourism experiences & plans

We can organise experiences specially design for you, although here is a suggestion:


+34 611 260 189Phone/WhatsApp for more information
  • Visit to the wine museum of Bullas (old restored winery). Introduction and overview of Bullas DOP, wine making, history and culture of the region.
  • Lunch. Traditional and creative cuisine. Gastronomic menu & D.O.P Bullas wine pairing.
  • Meet the high altitude Monastrell vines and wineries in Bullas. Walk through the oldest vineyards of the region, explanation and remarks on wine making during the whole visit to finally taste several wines and tapas in the cosy tasting room. Accompanied by the wine grower & professional sommelier.
  • Stay over at Agrolavia cottage. Enjoy the lifestyle of our farm, flavours, scents, textures and homemade products.


+34 611 260 189Phone/WhatsApp for more information
  • Visit to the wine museum of Bullas (old restored winery). Introduction and overview of Bullas DOP, wine making, history and culture of the region.
  • Lunch. Traditional and creative cuisine. Gastronomic menu & D.O.P Bullas wine pairing.
  • Meet the high altitude Monastrell vines and wineries in Bullas. Walk through the oldest vineyards of the region, explanation and remarks on wine making during the whole visit to finally taste several wines and tapas in the cosy tasting room. Accompanied by the wine grower & professional sommelier.
  • Stay over at Agrolavia cottage. Enjoy the lifestyle of our farm, flavours, scents, textures and homemade products.

Booking in advance (72 hours). Does not include transportation to the wineries, all accessible by car. Optional hiking & cycling routes available, wineries are located within a 3 km radio from the accommodation. Activities given by skilled professionals and specialised companies.

Bullas, cultura del vino

Tierra de Monastrell

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Tradición inmemorial

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